How can a new additional server be added to the IBM Notes Traveler server pool?

0 votes
asked Aug 19, 2016 in LOT-412 IBM Notes Traveler Administration by admin (21,060 points)
How can a new additional server be added to the IBM Notes Traveler server pool?

A. You cannot as all pool members must be defined at initial install.
B. Install a stand-alone server and then configure this to use the enterprise database.
C. Install a Notes Traveler server into the server pool using the "Install to server pool" option.
D. Install a Notes Traveler server into the server pool by setting NTS_NEW_SERVER_POOL_MEMBER to true in the notes.ini.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer: B

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