What behavior will User A experience on the device?

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asked Aug 19, 2016 in LOT-412 IBM Notes Traveler Administration by admin (21,060 points)
An administrator adds User A to an IBM Notes Traveler device settings document, which requires an alphanumeric password for Apple devices.

The administrator then adds User A to Group A, which is listed in the Notes Traveler Policy Settings document.

The Notes Traveler Policy Settings document requires Apple users to have a device password length of 6. What behavior will User A experience on the device?

A. User A will be required to have an alphanumeric password.
B. User A will be required to have the device password length of 6 characters.
C. User A will not be prompted for a password at all because two policies have been applied.
D. User A will not be prompted because this security option is not supported for Apple devices.

1 Answer

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answered Aug 19, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer: B

User A will be required to have the device password length of 6 characters.
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