Charles is using the tell traveler PMR <pmr_number> command at the server console to provide data to IBM Support. Which statement describes what the command does?

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asked Aug 19, 2016 in LOT-412 IBM Notes Traveler Administration by admin (21,060 points)
Charles is using the tell traveler PMR <pmr_number> command at the server console to provide data to IBM Support. Which statement describes what the command does?

A. sends only the device detail information to IBM Support
B. sends only the Notes Traveler server configuration files to IBM Support
C. allows Charles to reference his open PMR number and provide feedback to IBM Support
D. Creates a systemdump file, creates a log file collection, and automatically uploads it to IBM Support.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer: D

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