Which statement would best convince a customer that email is still a very important part of the modern work experience?

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asked Sep 26, 2016 in M2040-671 IBM Notes and Domino Sales Mastery Test v3 by admin (21,060 points)
Which statement would best convince a customer that email is still a very important part of the modern work experience?

A. Reassure them that this social media business is just a fad and will soon go away
B. Show them the first email you ever received, now framed on your wall
C. Remind them that although social media like FaceBook and Twitter have a large number of posts, it is still small compared to the number of emails sent daily.
D. Remind them how important a fax machine was then and now

1 Answer

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answered Sep 26, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer: C.

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