What is the best description of how IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition assists users to get through the vast amount of email received everyday?

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asked Sep 26, 2016 in M2040-671 IBM Notes and Domino Sales Mastery Test v3 by admin (21,060 points)
What is the best description of how IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition assists users to get through the vast amount of email received everyday?

A. By providing a clean, easy to use experience like Group By Date that allows users an easy way to categorize what they've received that day
B. Sending any email over 1k to the Trash folder
C. Providing users with complex interface decisions to get their work done
D. Forcing users to open up multiple programs just to read an attachment

1 Answer

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answered Sep 26, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer: A
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