Which one of the following is the correct explanation of how Google positions advertisements?

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asked Oct 22, 2016 in Google AdWords Fundamentals by admin (21,060 points)
Juan is the SEO Manager for his company and he's creating a Google AdWords campaign. Juan is trying to determine how Google positions ads on the page of search listings. Which one of the following is the correct explanation of how Google positions advertisements?

A. Ads are positioned on pages based on their Ad Rank, which is a combination of Juan's bid and
a quality assurance metric called Performance Score.
B. Ads are positioned on pages based on their Ad Rank, which is a combination of Juan's bid and
a relevancy metric called Relevant Score.
C. Ads are positioned on pages based on their Conversion Rank, which is a combination of Juan's
bid and a quality assurance metric called Relevancy Score.
D. Ads are positioned on pages based on their Ad Rank, which is a combination of Juan's bid and
a relevancy metric called Quality Score.

1 Answer

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answered Oct 22, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer: D

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