The Traveler task is reporting an error that the JDBC jar cannot be found or started during server startup. What could be preventing the load of the driver?

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asked Aug 14, 2016 in LOT-412 IBM Notes Traveler Administration by admin (21,060 points)
Tim is configuring his IBM Notes Traveler server to use an enterprise database. The Traveler task is reporting an error that the JDBC jar cannot be found or started during server startup. Tim has already validated the JDBC jar file location is correctly defined in the notes.ini. What could be preventing the load of the driver?

A. Tim failed to configure the JVM security to allow the jar to be loaded.
B. Tim failed to build a trusted Program document in the lotustraveler.nsf.
C. Tim failed to update the file to allow the JDBC Jar to be loaded.
D. Tim failed to update the file in the IBM Domino server data directory to include the path to the JDBC jar file.

1 Answer

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answered Aug 14, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)
Answer A.

Tim failed to configure the JVM security to allow the jar to be loaded.
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