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    Seth has created an image advertisement for his client. After a week of creating the ad, Seth now wants to create a report for the image ad. Where can Seth create the image ad report?

    0 votes
    Seth has created an image advertisement for his client. After a week of creating the ad, Seth now wants to create a report for the image ad. Where can Seth create the image ad report?

    A. Sign into Google AdWords, Reports tab, Statistics, Create Report, Ad Performance, Image Ads.
    B. Sign into Google AdWords, Statistics, Create Report, Ad Performance, Image Ads.
    C. Sign into Google AdWords, Ad Performance, Reports tab, Statistics, Create Report, Image Ads.
    D. Sign into Google AdWords,Ad Performance, Image Ads, Create Report.
    asked Oct 22, 2016 in Google AdWords Fundamentals by admin (21,060 points)

    1 Answer

    0 votes
    Answer: A
    answered Oct 22, 2016 by admin (21,060 points)

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